Minyu Chen, Minkow

Ph.D candidate

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Office: 3203, School of Software

minkow [AT] sjtu.edu.cn


I received my BE degree in computer science and technology from the University of Science and Technology of China and my MS degree in software engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I'm currently working toward a Ph.D. degree of computer science and technology, under the supervision of Prof. Guoqiang Li. My research interests include natural language processing, knowledge graphs, and AI verification.


Repo4QA: Answering Coding Questions via Dense Retrieval on GitHub Repositories PDF Code

Minyu Chen, Guoqiang Li, Chen Ma, Jingyang Li, Hongfei Fu

The 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022)



This website is based on the repository from Martin Saveski